Hickman County: "Right Back Where We Started From"



It's the weekend of the "THIRD SUNDAY" [in July] and the Mayberrys, Tylers, and Fosters are getting back together again!!!!...After 33 years and 16 reunion events, we are finally able to return to the home of our ancestors during this special time.

"The Third Weekend," is a historical event in Centerville. It's a time when "African Americans with roots in Hickman County refer to this part of July - time for them to come back home to Centerville for a couple days." This, too, is the weekend and location where we held our very first reunion in 1991. This event promises to be one of the best at connecting you to our roots, delivering a kid friendly atmosphere, promoting family closeness and conversation, and just plain ole down home food and fun.

The reunion committee (Sharon, Gwen, Cynetra, Eartha, Nancy, Veronica, and Niki) is striving for the highest family member attendance ever achieved. The team is requesting your help to reach out and encourage anyone that has not committed their attendance as we near the deadline date of June 1.

Please follow the links to the itinerary, registration (reunion fees), accommodations, T-shirt orders, etc.